Monday, June 6, 2011


What a great week! Summer is here, and that means the work is getting hotter! We had a really great week. Lots of ups and downs, but the ups ended up outweighing the downs. We had a lot of appointments fall through and a lot of people canceled on us. But we kept going. We found this man the other night at 8:30 before going back to the apartment, and he seemed really interested. So we went over to teach him, and we had a rough lesson. But afterward he asked if we were hungry, and he made us dinner! Latino people are great. When we finished eating I invited him to come to church and wrote down the adress and a little map. I didn't really expect to see him there though. Then, after that lesson we went and taught another man. He is doing really well! He is really excited about progressing and going to church, and he is set on being baptized this month!!!! He took the bus to church yesterday! So we showed up at church, and we were looking for him, and guess who we saw sitting in the chapel??? OUR OTHER INVESTIGATOR! He came! I couldn't believe it! But wait, it get's better. I was talking to him, and looking for the other investigator at the same time, and then he stood up from a few rows in front of us, and Luis said, "hey that's my friend", and I said "how do you know him?", and it turned out they had worked together about 5 years before, and they were friends! So they already had a friend at their first time at church. But wait, it gets better. We decided to introduce both of them to the Bishop. When one saw the bishop, he went up to him and gave him a hug because they had worked together about 15 years ago!!!!! HE old us that bishop used to invite him to go to church, but that he never accepted because he was a Catholic. But he is here now!!!!!!! So we are planning on taking the Bishop with us. Hopefully he can get baptized by him too! So both investigators stayed for all three hours, and then at the end one gave the other a ride home because they actually live on the same street and they didn't even know it!!!!!!!
So, in all, this past Sunday was a miracle Sunday.Our sister investigator wasn't able to make it, but guess what??? She wants to pay her tithing, and she's not even baptized yet! She will hopefully be able to make it to church next week. Tonight we are going to have a giant FHE with about 15 or 20 people because Sister Munoz invited a bunch of people to come over for dinner. She even found us a new investigator to start teaching! WOOOO!
Welp, I don't have much time left, and I still have to write President Baker. I love you all. Thank you a ton for all your support and prayers. I feel them daily. I know that this is the Lord's work, and we are the instruments in His hands. I love you all. Cuidense.
Elder Ross Watkins

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